Opi ihana Auvo-hoito Fuengirolassa

Opi ihana Auvo-hoito Fuengirolassa

Suomessa kehitetty Auvo®-hoito on 25-minuuttinen rentouttava, musiikkiin integroitu kosketushoito. Hoito auttaa pysähtymään ja rentoutumaan, ja se tasapainottaa sekä kehoa että mieltä. Hoito on kehitetty akuutiksi helpotukseksi stressaantuneelle keholle ja mielelle,...
Unlocking Nature’s Spiritual Pharmacy

Unlocking Nature’s Spiritual Pharmacy

Many cultures throughout history have valued certain herbs and plants for their perceived spiritual or consciousness-expanding properties, like Ayahuasca or Cannabis. But did you know that many everyday plants and herbs, especially used in Ayurveda, are also...
Turmeric: The Golden Wonder

Turmeric: The Golden Wonder

In the vibrant tapestry of Ayurvedic medicine, one spice stands out like a golden thread weaving through centuries of healing traditions: Turmeric. This radiant herb, with its warm hue and robust flavour, has not only spiced up curries but also stirred the curiosity...